ACG Original Series

Tune in. Stay ahead.

Keep up with everything happening in the cloud

Easily Stay Up-To-Date

A quick rundown of all the latest releases, updates, and other news relating to the always changing world of cloud.

OG (Original Guru) Ryan Kroonenburg and ACG Technical Instructor Faye Ellis bring you the latest news from Amazon Web Services.

Authors: Faye Ellis, Ryan Kroonenburg

Join our ACG technical instructors as they recap the past week's developments in the world of Azure.

Authors: Lars Klint

We've created this new show to let you all know about the awesome news, happenings, events, and analysis on what Google is doing in the cloud space.

Authors: Julian Pittas, Mattias Andersson

Kubernetes This Month is the show that keeps you up-to-speed with everything going on in the Kubernetes world.

Authors: Nigel Poulton

Get Hands-On Experience

Staying up to date on technology gives an edge to stay relevant during discussion with peers.

This is the series that puts the fun in technical fundamentals! If you’re new to All Things Tech, mastering tech basics will equip you with the skills you need to tackle more complex concepts, projects, and real-world scenarios in your day-to-day work life.

Authors: Mattias Andersson, Julian Pittas, Robin Norwood

Follow along with our ACG Technical Instructors as they build something really cool using cloud services. After each demo, you can do the project yourself, honing your skills in evolving cloud computing disciplines like Serverless, Voice, Image recognition, IoT, Security and more!

Authors: Various

In our classic irreverent fashion, A Cloud Guru takes a hard look at newly released AWS services, using detailed technical demo walkthroughs to reach a verdict as to whether you should invest in, dabble with, or hold on implementing each service as part of your production systems.

Authors: Corey Quinn, Sam Kroonenburg, Julian Pittas, Brock Tubre

This new series from ACG Technical Instructor Nick Triantafillou will teach you everything you need to know to make fun and engaging skills for the Amazon Echo. Follow along, do these projects yourself, and make a killer audio- and video-enhanced quiz skill complete with a Leaderboard that stores player scores in DynamoDB.

Authors: Nick Triantafillou

Stay Ahead of Tech Trends

Join our ACG instructors and industry experts as they discuss news, trends, and developments in the world of cloud.

The Future of Tech provides an entertaining look into new technologies. Presented by Lars Klint and designed for both tech newbies and seasoned pros alike, each episode will introduce you to an emerging technology via demonstrations, terrible jokes, sound effects, and quirky, offbeat commentary.

Authors: Lars Klint

Welcome to the series that takes the learning and hands it over to the machine. In this 8-part series we’ll teach you the fundamentals of Machine and Reinforcement Learning, supervised and unsupervised learning, how to build a reward function and prepare for a race.

Authors: Nick Triantafillou and Scott Pletcher