ACG Quizzes and Exams for Certifications

Prepare with thousands of up-to-date questions

We're constantly updating questions

As some of the first to sit for new exams, we’re always recertifying and keeping tabs on exactly how the tests are changing — and always bringing that knowledge back to you in the form of refreshed courses and constantly updated questions. We have thousands of questions in our library to help you get ready for your certification exams.

If you can pass our quizzes, you’ll be ready to pass your exam.

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Heaps of questions

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Painfully current

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Boost your exam readiness

Stay on target

Our quizzes help you focus your efforts where they’re needed most. If you get a question wrong, we’ll tell you the correct answer – and where you can go to brush up on that specific topic. And since everyone learns differently, exams can be taken timed or untimed.

Take it Personally

Get a personalized report of how you’re doing on our certification courses. We’ll tell you how long you’re taking on each question, break down what you need to study by domain, and point you in the direction you need to go to get more information.

Freshness Guaranteed

Our active community is constantly reporting back on certification exams, so we know if test themes are starting to change, and can adjust our quizzes accordingly. This may involve tweaking the prominence of certain skills, changing out questions, or adding new ones.

Why use the Exam Simulator?

Why use the Exam Simulator?

Don't waste your money, be confident that you're ready to pass your AWS exam. This is only available on the A Cloud Guru platform.

The closest thing to training like the real AWS exam. Get detailed information on how you performed in each domain, and personalized recommendations on how to improve your score.

We're some of the first people to sit new exams, and we're always recertifying so that we know exactly how the tests are changing.

Become a member and fire up the simulator

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